This is the Warrior Youth training program for Pre-Season (Winter) Dec/Jan for Eagle Group only
Week |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wedsnesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Total |
Week 12/9 |
3 Easy |
Rest |
3 Easy |
Rest |
3 Easy |
4 Long |
Rest |
13 |
Week 12/16 |
4 Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
Rest |
3 Easy |
5 Long |
Rest |
16 |
Week 12/23 |
4 Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
5 Long |
Rest |
17 |
Week 12/30 |
3 Easy |
Rest |
3 Easy |
Rest |
3 Easy |
4 Long |
Rest |
13 |
Week 1/6 |
4 Easy |
Rest |
4Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
6 Long |
Rest |
18 |
Week 1/13 |
5 Easy |
Rest |
5 Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
6 Long |
Rest |
20 |
Week 1/20 |
5 Easy |
Rest |
5 Easy |
Rest |
4 Easy |
6 Long |
Rest |
20 |
Easy = Easy Pace which is run at what we call conversational pace. If you are not able to talk in short sentences to a person running with you you are running too fast. Error on the side of caution and run slower if you are not sure.
Long = Long Run Pace which is run almost at the same pace as Easy but a bit slower if you need. The goal is to run it without have to stop (red light being the exception) so slow it down
Use our Training Pace Calculator to figure out your pace. If you haven't run a race recently or over to use in the calculator go off of feel and again error on side of caution
Long = Long Run Pace which is run almost at the same pace as Easy but a bit slower if you need. The goal is to run it without have to stop (red light being the exception) so slow it down
Use our Training Pace Calculator to figure out your pace. If you haven't run a race recently or over to use in the calculator go off of feel and again error on side of caution